Saturday, August 8, 2009

For You - Today!

Operation Arrival
by Charles R. Swindoll

Luke 1:68-75

For the longest time I didn't understand the new-car industry. I had always thought it worked like this. When a guy wanted a car, he dropped by the local dealership, kicked a few tires, slammed some doors, and fiddled around with radios, hoods, and trunk lids. Then he would rap with the salesman, dicker over prices, choose his favorite color, and place the order. I figured that when headquarters got the specs, they'd scurry around the shop finding the right steering wheel, engine, chrome strips, and hubcaps, then make sure all that stuff got stuck on correctly before it was shipped. You know, kind of like whipping up a last-minute meal with grub from the kitchen.

But that's not the way it is at all. To my amazement, I discovered that a computer card puts into motion dozens of contacts all over the country. One spot makes only engines. Another, the glass and plastic parts. Some other outfit does the steering wheels, and yet another the carpet and vinyl. As the order is placed, it triggers action in all these related areas. And---hopefully---at just the right time the special things arrive at the assembly plant where it all comes together---everything from bumper bolts to windshield wipers. And within a relatively short period of time, a shiny new car is punched out, rolled onto a transport truck, and sent to its proper destination.

What a remarkable arrangement ingenious Americans have devised! And none of it was even thought of two hundred years ago.

Now then---if man can come up with an organizational plan as complex as all that, think of how much more efficient God's arrangement was . . . over two thousand years ago. I'm referring to the perfectly synchronized events surrounding the Savior's birth. For sure, it was no afterthought. Scripture assures us that when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son. (Galatians 4:4)

Fantastic statement!

At just the right moment, precisely as God arranged it, in keeping with a plan we might dub "Operation Arrival," enter Messiah.

Micah said it would be in Bethlehem, Judah. It was. But I thought Joseph and Mary were of Nazareth, Galilee. They were. Aren't those places miles apart? Yes, in those times days apart. Then . . . how? Well, you see, that's just a small part of the plan, nevertheless amazing. Especially when you consider Mary was almost "term" in her pregnancy. To get them down south in time required fairly good roads---unheard of prior to the Roman takeover. And they certainly needed to be forced to travel . . . hence a required census from Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1) that forced Joseph to register in person in the city of his family roots, Bethlehem (2:4).

But before a Savior could be born, there also needed to be some natural means of common communication---a familiar tongue that would quickly spread the news. No problem. Thanks to Alexander the Great, the father of koine Greek, that language was ripe and ready for rapid dissemination of the gospel message through the pen of the evangelists and apostles from then on.

Thanks to good roads, a decision in Rome, and a bothersome census, it happened at just the right place. At just the right time . . . with an articulate language as the perfect verbal vehicle. A little baby that the world hardly noticed arrived. Rome was too busy building and conquering. Augustus thought he was hot stuff prancing about the palace demanding that census. In reality he was little more than a wisp of lint on the prophetic page . . . a pawn in the hand of the Commander of "Operation Arrival."

The things God pulled off to get His Son delivered on time twenty-one centuries ago would make the pride of American ingenuity look like an organizational afterthought by comparison.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

The Cry from a Cave
by Charles R. Swindoll

Psalm 18:30-36

The Cave of Adullam was no Holiday Inn.

It was a wicked refugee camp . . . a dark vault on the side of a cliff that reached deeply into a hill. Huddled in this clammy cavern were 400 losers---a mob of miserable humanity. They came from all over and wound up all together. Listen to the account:

Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered. . . . There were about four hundred men. (1 Samuel 22:2)

The original Mafia. They all had one thing in common---a bad record. The place smelled like the Rams' locker room and sounded like an Army barracks. You can bet not one of those guys ever heard Gothard's principles on handling irritations. They were so tough they'd make Al Capone sleep with a night-light. They were gross. Anybody who got near that gang stayed as quiet as a roomful of nuns. They had a quaint name for those who crossed their paths . . . victims.

Except for David. That's right. David. It became his responsibility to turn that mob into an organized, well-disciplined fighting force . . . mighty men of valor. Talk about a challenge! These weren't the filthy five, nor the nasty nine, nor the dirty dozen. Remember---there were 400 of these hard-luck hooligans. Shortly thereafter, their numbers swelled to 600. And David was the den mother for these desperados. He was general, master sergeant, and chaplain all rolled into one. David, "the sweet psalmist of Israel," became David the drill instructor. Needless to say, his battalion of 600 is not to be confused with the 600 who "rode into the valley of death" in Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade. The only place these guys had ridden was out of town, chased by their creditors . . . which turned David's men into predators.

Did he pull it off? Could a shepherd from Bethlehem assume command of such a nefarious band of ne'er-do-wells? Did he meet the challenge?

Indeed! In a brief period of time, he had the troops in shape---combat ready. Incredible as it seems, he was doing battle against the enemy forces using strategic maneuvers before the year was up. These were the very men who fought loyally by his side and gave him strong support when he became the king of Israel. They were called "the mighty men," and many of their names are listed in the Bible for heroism and dedication.

All of us face a challenge. For some of you, it's a business that has all the earmarks of disaster. For others, it's the challenge of schooling without adequate money, or a houseful of young lives to shape, or a wounded relationship, or a prolonged illness that lingers and hurts. Still others of you find yourself in leadership over a group of people who need constant direction and encouragement . . . and you're tired of the demands. Some of you endure employment in a company that lacks a lot.

Be encouraged! If David could handle that cave full of malcontents, you can tighten your belt and take on the challenge in your cave. Do you need strength? Peace? Wisdom? Direction? Discipline? Ask for it! God will hear you. He gives special attention to cries when they come out of caves.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

The Shadow of the Giant, Part One
by Charles R. Swindoll

1 Samuel 17:50

Goliath reminds me of the cross-eyed discus thrower. He didn't set any records . . . but he sure kept the crowd awake!

Day after day, he paraded along the slopes of the Valley of Elah throwing out threats and belching blasphemies across the creek with a basso-profundo voice like twenty out-of-tune tubas. He was not only ugly, he was huge, well over nine feet tall in his stocking feet. His armor included a bronze coat of mail weighing two hundred pounds, a solid-iron spear (the head alone weighed twenty-five pounds), and a big bronze helmet. Add another club, bronze leggings and boots, plus that face of his . . . and you've got the makings of a shoo-in linebacker for the Chicago Bears or next season's center for UCLA's starting five. Pity the poor private who drew duty as Goliath's shield bearer! It was about as suicidal as a novice drifting into the Devil's Triangle on a hang glider. Goliath, you see, was the pride of Philistia; and if you didn't believe it, all you had to do was ask him, or ask Saul's army (if you could find them).

Paralyzed and hypnotized, the camp of the Israelites sat galvanized in their tents. The only noise heard from the Hebrew troops was the knocking of their knees or the chattering of their teeth---in unison. Goliath was, up to that point, eminently successful with his basic strategy of intimidation. His threats boomed across the valley with chilling regularity, producing the desired result: fear. The inspired record informs us that those monotonous blasts from the giant's mouth sounded forth every morning and every evening for forty long days. The dawn of that forty-first day, however, was the beginning of the end for the giant from Gath.

Some ten miles away, a handsome, muscular teenager---the runt in a family of eight boys---was sent on an errand by his father. That innocent errand proved to be an epochal event in Jewish history. Fresh from the wilderness, the sheep trails, and more important, from the awesome presence of God, David stopped and stared in disbelief when he reached the battleground.

For a young man whose unsullied character had been nursed in solitude and spawned in secret acts of bravery, the scene before him was staggering. The young shepherd simply could not believe his eyes. Refusing to accept his brothers' rationalizations or listen to the giant's threats, David saw through the Philistine strategy and withstood it through sheer, solid faith. He knew His God could handle any threat.

Are you facing a giant today? Tomorrow we'll learn from David two timeless truths about giant warfare.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

The Shadow of the Giant, Part Two
by Charles R. Swindoll

Ephesians 6:14-18

Yesterday, we visited David as he faced off against Goliath. Refusing to accept his brothers' rationalizations or listen to the giant's threats, David saw through the Philistine strategy and withstood it through sheer, solid faith.

You know the outcome. With a well-worn leather sling and a smooth stone, and unbending confidence in his mighty God, David introduced Goliath and all the Philistine hordes to the Lord of hosts, whose name they had blasphemed long enough. The account concludes with a profound statement:

Thus David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and he struck the Philistine and killed him; but there was no sword in David's hand. (1 Samuel 17:50)

What an interesting counterstrategy! To this day, two timeless truths of giant warfare live on. Both are as appropriate today as they were in the days of Goliath.

Prevailing over giants isn't accomplished by using their technique. That's "lesson one" for all of us. Goliath might have been mistaken for the battleship Missouri with all his noise and bronze. Not David . . . he didn't even carry a sword! His greatest piece of armor, the lethal weapon that made him unique and gave him victory, was his inner shield of faith. It kept him free from fear, it made him hard of hearing threats, it gave him cool composure amidst chaos, and it cleared his vision.

Conquering giants isn't accomplished without great skill and discipline. To be God's warrior, to fight His way, demands much more expertise and control than one can imagine. Using the sling and stone of the Spirit is a far more delicate thing than swinging the club of the flesh. But oh, how sweet is the victory when the stone finds its mark . . . and how final.

Are you facing a giant?

Chances are you've already bumped into one or more of them this week. Is the intimidation reaching unbearable proportions? Do your ears ache from their constant threats? Don't run . . . but don't try a bigger club, either. Be like David. Turn your Goliath over to Jehovah, the giant-killer. Explain to your powerful God how anxious you are for Him to win this victory for a change---not the giant and not you.

Then load up your sling, soldier, and don't forget the stones. You're in for the time of your life.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Super Junior - Sorry Sorry [Kpop]



Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega munjuh
Nehgae nehgae nehgae bbajuh bbajuh bbajuh party baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Noonee booshuh booshuh booshuh
Soomee makhyuh makhyuh makhyuh
Naega micheo micheo baby

Baraboneun noonbit sokeh
Noonbit sokkeh naneun machi
Naneun micheo mwuheh holin nom
Eejen busuhnajido mothae
Guluhohneun nuheh moseup
Nuheh moseup nuhnen machi
Nae shimjangeul balbgo watnabwah
Eejen busuhnajido mothae

Uhdeel gana dangdanghageh
Ootneun nuhneun maeryukjuk
Chakhan yeoja ilshikeeran
Saenggakdeuleun bopyunjuk
Dohdohageh guhchim ubgae
Jungmahl nuhneun hwansangjuk
Dohleekeel soo ubseulmankeum
Naegae bbajuh buhryuseo

(Repeat Chorus)

Hey girl girl girl girl girl girl girl
Noonmanddeumyun ni saenggak Hey girl
Janakkehnah sashil nuh hana bakeh ahnboyuh
Mahlhaebwah ni mameh naega
Mahlhaebwah jari jabatneunji
Mahlhaejo naegeh mahlhaejo
Naneun babo babo babo

Joobyun saramdeuleun malhhae
Naega nuhmoo jukgeukjuk
Ee saesahngeh geurun saram
Uhdee handooleenyahgo
Geuguhl molla geunyuhl molla
Shigihamyuh haneun mahl
Naegae boorupdamyun geugun
Geudaedeulee geeneun guh

(Repeat Chorus)

Let’s dance dance dance dance (x3)

Hey eejen geuman naegae wahjooleh
Jungmahl michil gutman gatah yeah
Nan neoman saranghago shippo
Juhldeh dashi hanoon pahl saenggak ubseo hey

Aeineerakiboda chingookateun
Naega dwehgo shippeo
Neoeh modeun gomin seulpeum
Hahmkkeh ganjeekhagopa
Dashi ubseul mankeum mankeum
Nuhruhl nuhmoo saranghae
Naega bahran saram niga baro geu
that that that girl

(Repeat Chorus)

Credit :


Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
I, I, I first
For you for you for you I fell
fell fell fallen baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Eyes are blinding blinding blinding
Breathe is stifled stifled stifled
I’m going crazy crazy baby

Inside the glaze that stares back at me
Inside the glaze it’s as if I’m
As if I’m a guy bewitched bye something
I can’t even escape it now

The way you look when you walk over
The way you look it’s as if
You came and stepped on my heart on the way
I can’t even escape it now

Wherever you go you confidently
Smile, your attractiveness

A rare beauty and a good girl
Universally thought of

Proudly, without stopping
You’re really like a fantasy

So much that people can’t change their mind about it
I’ve fallen for you

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
I, I, I first
For you for you for you I fell
fell fell fallen baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Eyes are blinding blinding blinding
Breathe is stifled stifled stifled
I’m going crazy crazy baby

Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda
I’ve fallen baby
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddarabbabbara

Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl i
When I open my eyes I think of you Hey girl
Asleep or awake, the truth is I can only see you

Tell me in your heart I
Tell me did I get a spot
Tell me tell me please
I’m stupid stupid stupid

People in my surroundings tell me
I’m too aggressive

In this world that sort of person
Not as though there are only one or two of them

You don’t know you don’t know her
Words that they say in jealousy

If you’re jealous of me
Then they are going to lose

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
I, I, I first
For you for you for you I fell
fell fell fallen baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Eyes are blinding blinding blinding
Breathe is stifled stifled stifled
I’m going crazy crazy baby

Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda
I’ve fallen baby
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddarabbabbara

Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
dance dance

Hey will you come to me now
I feel like going to really go crazy yeah

I want to only love you
I will never think of looking at anyone else hey

Rather than a lover, a friend
Is what I’d rather like to be

All of your thoughts and sadness
I want to keep

As if as if you might not exist
I love you so much
The person that I expect is you
that that that girl

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
I, I, I first
For you for you for you I fell
fell fell fallen baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Eyes are blinding blinding blinding
Breathe is stifled stifled stifled
I’m going crazy crazy baby

credit: mylovelylhj

Sunday, June 21, 2009

[T-Max] Fight the Bad Feeling

for audio rip of this live performance version, you can download it from



eotteokhanya jakku nappeun maeumeul meokge dwae

ireomyeoneun andoeneungeol ara
geojitmal geojitmarira malhamyeon
naemaeumi dasi doragalkka
neomu mianhaeseo nungil motjugo
cheotmadireul mwollo hae

ttutdu ttutthtutdu ttutduru ttutdut ttutdu
ppapba ppapbapba

geudaen jakku nareul
nappeun maeumeul meokge hae
geudaereul itneun maeum
naegeneun joheun mam anya
neomu nappeun maeumiya
nappeun mamiya nappeun mamiya
uri sarang yeongwonhi eobseojijianha

nappeun maeumeul meokge hae
geudaereul itneun maeum
naegeneun joheun mam anya
neomu nappeun maeumiya
neomu nappeun mamiya neomu nappeun maeumiya
urisarang jiuneungeon
neomu nappeun maeumiya

ibyeori sirheunde geunyang neorang heeojigin jugeodo sirheo

museunmalhago jebal nal jaba jebal
jeongmal nae maeum byeonhage hajimalgo yejeoncheoreomman

geunyang yeppeuge naman bwajugo
hanmadiman haejumyeon

ttutdu ttutthtutdu ttutduru ttutdut ttutdu
ppapba ppapbapba

geudaen jakku nareul
nappeun maeumeul meokge hae
geudaereul itneun maeum
naegeneun joheun mam anya
neomu nappeun maeumiya
nappeun mamiya nappeun mamiya
uri sarang yeongwonhi eobseojiji anha

nappeun maeumeul meokge hae
geudaereul itneun maeum
naegeneun joheun mam anya
neomu nappeun maeumiya
neomu nappeun mamiya neomu nappeun maeumiya
urisarang jiuneungeon
neomu nappeun maeumiya

English Translation

what do i do. i keep having a bad thoughts.
i’m sorry

i know that i can’t be like this
if i say that it’s a lie, a lie
will my heart go back
tears fall
i can’t even look at you because i’m so sorry
my heart hurts
what do i say first
i can’t think

dootdooo dootdootdoo dootdooloo dootdoot dootdoo
bbamba bbambamba

you keep making me have bad thoughts
the heart that’s forgetting you
is not a good heart to me
it’s such a bad heart
it’s a bad heart. it’s a bad heart
our love will never go away.. never

making me have bad thoughts
the heart that’s forgetting you
is not a good heart to me
it’s such a bad heart
it’s a bad heart. it’s a bad heart
erasing our love.. it’s such a bad thought

i don’t like farewells..
just breaking up with you.. i don’t like it even if i die

just think of me kindly
if you just say one word
i have no other wish

dootdooo dootdootdoo dootdooloo dootdoot dootdoo
bbamba bbambamba

you keep making me have bad thoughts
the heart that’s forgetting you
is not a good heart to me
it’s such a bad heart
it’s a bad heart. it’s a bad heart
our love will never go away.. never

making me have bad thoughts
the heart that’s forgetting you
is not a good heart to me
it’s such a bad heart
it’s a bad heart. it’s a bad heart
erasing our love.. it’s such a bad thought

i don’t like farewells..
just breaking up with you.. i don’t like it even if i die

credit: amber6930@yt, tmaxlover@yt(lyrics)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Kkotboda Namja (Hana Yori Dango)

Boys Over Flowers/Boys Before Flowers

credits: soompi, dramabeans,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Play (Haptic Mission Season 2 OST)

by: SS501

Romanization lyrics:

kaseum kadeukhi parabwa

han beonjjeum nuneul kamgo neukkyeo turyeo-um ttawin peoseo
ije sijakiya sesang soge nal deonjyeo
eonjena kkumeul kkudeon sesang keu kkumeul manjin oneuldo
Let me PLAY with you

The Wish One
buneun paramdaero cheulgilgeoya
I wanna be
kaseum kadeukhi parabwa

ttaeron huhuido modu sunganil ppun nan cheulgigeoya

chogeumman teo
PLAY, PLAY, I can change you
chogeumman teo
PLAY, PLAY, I can make it song
eotteon siryeondo kyeondyeonael su isseo useobwa
I can say this to you

What you think about to burning
seoroui ma-eum sogeul boni
algo isseo kidarilke hayahke pyeonhankkumdeul neoui
romani zation by genesisatbwwtwo and soompi
tteugeo-un kaseume FRESHhan pijeon
niga weonhandamyeon ireuk'ineun kijeok
saenggakhaebwa sijakhaebwa
poyeojweo huimangboda areumdaun neoui PLAY

jichi'go himi deul ttaen useo wiro-eumttaweon poryeo
chamsi sumeul tollyeo haneuleul pomyeo neol oech'yeo
eonjena himi teuldeon sesang keu kkumeul manjin naeildo
let me PLAY with you

The Wish One
buneun paramdaero cheulgilgeoya
I wanna be
kaseum kadeukhi parabwa

ttaeron huhuido modu sunganil ppun nan cheulgigeoya

chogeumman teo
PLAY, PLAY, I can change you
chogeumman teo
PLAY, PLAY, I can make it song
eotteon siryeondo kyeondyeonael su isseo useobwa
I can say this to you

neomanui STYLISHhan maeryeo-eul poyeojweo
ijeneun hal su isseo, Oh Baby~
jiruhan ni moseubeun peorigo
FASHION, ENERGYro dasi han beon cheulgeobwa

hanbeon deo PLAY, PLAY chigeum sijakhae
neomanui panjjakineun saenggakgwa
i sungan keuryeonael neoui meotjin segye sangsanghae
Someday dream come true~

PLAY, PLAY, I can change you
chogeumman teo
PLAY, PLAY, I can make it song
eotteon siryeondo kyeondyeonael su isseo useobwa
I can say this to you~

English lyrics:

W-w-w-wish one
W-w-w-wanna be
W-w-w-wish one
I see a bursting heart~

At these times, close your eyes and release fears
Now it's started, throw yourself into the world
A world you always dreamt of, capture that dream
Let me play with you...
W-w-w-wish one
W-w-w-wanna be
W-w-w-wish one
I see a bursting heart~

The wish one
enjoy the richness of the wind
I wanna be
I see a bursting heart~

Sometimes you have small moments of regret, but keep enjoying (life)

A little more
Play, play, I can change you
a little more
Play, play, I can make it song
Just smile, and you can withstand any ordeals
I can say this to you

Want you think about to burning
seeing into each-other's hearts
waiting for your dreams to become pure, don't you know
trans lation by genesisatbwwtwo and soompi
inside your warm heart is a fresh vision
You can make a miracle happen if you want to
Just think of it, go get started
Seeing the hope shown in your beautiful PLAY

In times when you lost your strength, smile away the lonliness
briefly turn to and look at the sky and shout out
Always with all your power, capture that dream world of tomorrow
Let me play with you~

The wish one
enjoy the richness of the wind
I wanna be
I see a bursting heart~

Sometimes you have small moments of regret, but keep enjoying (life)

A little more
Play, play, I can change you
a little more
Play, play, I can make it song
Just smile, and you can withstand any ordeals
I can say this to you

Your own unique charm shows your style
now you make it, oh baby~
let go of that weary expression
with fashion and energy, enjoy it once again

Once more, play, play, now get started
Think of how you shine
Imagine at this moment, your wonderful world
someday dream to come

A little more
Play, play, I can change you
a little more
Play, play, I can make it song
Just smile, and you can withstand any ordeals
I can say this to you

credits to Genesis of soompi


credits: soompi, google

Saturday, May 23, 2009


[double S-u-gong-il]

credits: soompi, quainte501, tsph

Zen Me Ba

by: S.H.E.

Paradise [lyrics]

by: T-Max

Almost Paradise achimboda deo nunbusin
Nal hyanghan neoui sarangi onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme kkumcheoreom
Dagawajun ni moseubeul eonje kkajina saranghal su itdamyeon

Neoui soneul japgoseo sesangeul hyanghae himkkeot sorichyeo
Haneureul georeo yaksokhae yeongwonhi ojik neomaneul saranghae
Bamhaneul byeolbitgateun uri dulmanui areumdaun kkum Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise
Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Tteonaboneun geoya dallyeoganeun geoya loving you forever

Almost Paradise taeyangboda deo ttaseuhan
Nal boneun neoui nunbicheun onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme biccheoreom
Dagawajun ni sarangeul eonje kkajina ganjikhal su itdamyeon

You are All of my love!
You are All of my life! ~
Nae modeungeol georeoseo naneunneoreul saranghae!

Jeo pureunbada gateun uri dulmanui areumdaun got Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise

Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Tteonaboneun geoya dallyeoganeun geoya loving you forever

Almost Paradise achimboda deo nunbusin
Nal hyanghan neoui sarangi onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme kkumcheoreom
Dagawajun ni moseubeul eonje kkajina saranghal su itdamyeon

Cheonsagateun ne misoga gadeukhan uri nagwone
Neomaneul wihan kkotteullo yeongwonhi chaewo dulkkeoya

Almost Paradise taeyangboda deo ttaseuhan
Nal boneun neoui nunbicheun onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme biccheoreom
Dagawajun ni sarangeul eonje kkajina ganjikhal su itdamyeon

Eonjekkajina saranghal su itdamyeon~

Because I'm Stupid [lyrics]

Nae Meoriga Nappa
by: SS501

Romanization lyrics:

nae meorineun neomuna nappaseo
neo hanabakkeh nan moreugo
dareun sarameul bogo ittneun neon
ireon nae ma-eumdo moreugettji

neoui haru-eh naran eopgettji
tto chu-eok jocha eopgettjiman
neoman baraman bogo ittneun nan
jakku nunmuri heureugo isseo

neoui dwit moseubeul boneun geotdo nan haengbogiya
ajik naui ma-eumeul mollado
kkeutnae seuchi deushi gado

niga neomu bogoshipeun naren
neomu gyeondigi himdeun nareneun
neoreul saranghanda ipga-eh maemdora
honja dashi tto cry for you
honja dashi tto missing for you
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!

neoui haru-eh nan eopgettji
tto gi-eok jocha eopgettjiman
neoman baraman bogo ittneun na
honja chu-eogeul mandeulgo isseo

naegen sarang-iran areumda-un sangcheogata
neoui yeppeun misoreul boado
hamkke nan utjido mothae

niga neomu saenggak naneun naren
gaseum shirigo seulpeun nareneun
niga bogoshipta ipga-eh maemdora
honja dashi tto crying for you
honja dashi tto missing for you
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!

Bye bye never say good bye
ireohke japji mothaejiman
I need you amu maldo mothae
I want you baraedo dashi baraedo

niga neomu bogoshipeun naren
neomu gyeondigi himdeun nareneun
neoreul saranghanda ipga-eh maemdora
honja dashi tto cry for you

niga neomu saenggak naneun naren
gaseum shirigo seulpeun nareneun
niga bogoshipta ipga-eh maemdora
honja dashi tto crying for you
honja dashi tto missing for you
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!

English lyrics:

Because I am too stupid
I have no one besides you
You, who is looking at someone else
Don’t you know how I felt?

There isn’t me in your days
And not even having any remembrance
Me, who looking at you whom I am yearning for
Always shed tears

It is my happiness even to be looking at your back
You still don’t know how I felt
In the end, you go past me

In the days where I miss you very much
In the days where I suffered the pains
‘I love you’ whirls near my mouth
Crying for you alone yet again
Missing for you alone yet again
Baby! I love you! I’m waiting for you!

There isn’t me in your days
And not even having any memories
I am looking at you whom I am yearning for
Making the memories on my own

Love is like a beautiful wound to me
Even when I see your beautiful smile
I am unable to laugh with you

In the days where I think of you a lot
In the days where my heart is cold and sad
‘I miss you’ whirls near my mouth
Crying for you alone yet again
Missing for you alone yet again
Baby! I love you! I’m waiting for you!

Bye bye never say good bye
Though I am unable to hold you like this
I need you, I am unable to say anything, I want you, I wish for and wish for it again

(Chours –Ending)
In the days where I miss you a lot
In the days where it is very cold and sad
‘I love you’ whirls near my mouth
Crying for you alone yet again

In the days where I think of you a lot
In the days where it is very cold and sad
‘I love you’ whirls near my mouth
Crying for you alone yet again
Missing for you alone yet again
Baby! I love you! I'm waiting for you!

Friday, May 22, 2009
