Monday, February 23, 2009


by Charles R. Swindoll

Vision---the one essential ingredient for being an original in a day
of copies---gets lost, overwhelmed by the odds. Too bad! We start
focusing on the trouble. Then we start comparing the odds. The result is predictable:
We become intimidated and wind up defeated.

What is your challenge? Which giants make you feel like a grasshopper when you face them? What does your
future resemble when you measure it on the basis of facts and figures? You'd
like not to surrender, right? You'd like
to be courageous, wouldn't you? There is a way through, but you'll need one
essential quality---vision.

Vision is the ability to see God's presence, to perceive God's power, to focus
on God's plan in spite of the obstacles.

When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic
rather than pessimistic. Your attitude stays positive rather
than negative. Not foolishly positive, as though in fantasy, for you
are reading God into your circumstances. So when a situation comes
that cuts your feet out from under you, you don't throw up your arms and panic.
You don't give up. Instead, you say, "Lord, this is Your
moment. This is where You take charge.
You're in this."

This is nothing more than having a strong belief in the power of God; having confidence in others
around you who are in similar battles with
you; and, yes, having confidence in yourself, by the grace of God.
Refusing to give in to temptation, cynicism, and doubt. Not allowing
yourself to become a jaded individual. Belief in oneself is terribly important.

Determination is hanging tough when the going gets rough. I have no
magic wand to wave over your future and say, "All of a sudden
everything is going to fall into place." Vision requires determination,
a constant focus on God who is watching and smiling. Even in a world
that is negative and hostile. Even in a world where the majority says,
"We can't," you can. Trust God today. With eyes of faith, get back in
the game. Play it with great enthusiasm!